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Adding writers


The second tab is the WRITERS tab. This tab allows you to add any songwriters that were involved with creating the track. You can add multiple writers for one track.

When you have added all the appropriate information, click the ADD WRITER button to add them to the list.

* IMPORTANT: If you do not click the "ADD WRITER" button , the writer will NOT be linked to the track

Select Writer
This drop down box gets populated with the list of writers that are added in the system. ( SETUP >> WRITERS )
If you find that the writer is not in the system, you can do a "quick add", by clicking on the blue button  and typing in their first and last name. You can go back to SETUP >> WRITERS to finish entering their contact information.

Depending on the track type (instrumental or song), you can select what this write contributed. (music, lyrics, or both)

Writer Percentage
What percentage is the writer credited for?

Add any comments that pertain to the writer being added.